General Information

The reasoning behind hobbyhorse showings is to compare individual hobbyhorses’ features, compete between appearances, and gain feedback on the handwork. The Finnish Hobbyhorse Association trains impartial and reliable judges. The showings are run under the Association but by the official judges.
Anyone can arrange and judge informal showings but granting official certificates is only allowed for the official judges.

General Rules

Unless otherwise instructed, if the horse has any equipment, braided mane, or other decorations, it will be disqualified. In some competitions a show halter may be allowed, if it has been explicitly mentioned. Mixed breeds or grade horses cannot take part in official show classes. There has to be a separate class arranged for these horses.
Mixed breeds also cannot receive the prefix JS (recommended for breeding).
Geldings cannot receive any certificates and thus cannot become show champions. Naturally, geldings also cannot get the prefix JS. The show rules will have a mention on if there is a chance to sign up with a gelding.
Under 3-year-old stallions and under 4-year-old mares have to be entered in foal classes.
Other stick animals can’t take part in the show classes unless it has been specifically mentioned in the show rules.
The judge can not review horses made by them.

Practical Instructions

In most cases the horses are not presented by the handlers. This of course depends on the competition organizers.
Assuming that the showing doesn’t require presentation by the handler, the horse will be brought to the show area on time without any equipment and will be picked up at a given time. The judge must be granted the peace to work without any interruptions so that the judging can run smoothly.

Show Certificates

With a direct translation this means the champion certificate. Granted to the class winner (this horse also gets the chance to win in the BIS ring), adult stud (at least 3 years old) or mare (at least 4 years old). Geldings cannot receive this certificate.

Depending on the number of horses in the class, this certificate is granted to the first two or three horses after the MVA-certificate. This cert indicates that the horse is also worth of the MVA-sert. The judge has the option to not give this certificate to a horse he/she deems undeserving of it. Geldings cannot receive this certificate.

KUMA, “honorable mention”
Granted to the three horses after irtoSERT ranked horses. KUMA horses almost reach the irtoSERT value level.

JS, “recommended for breeding”
Usually granted to every attending horse – except geldings. This points out that the horse that receives this certificate is recommended for breeding.

Ranking titles
BIS, Best In Show
Every class winner will compete in the BIS ring to determine the Best In Show title winner.
Usually there are no more than five BIS places to grant (depending on the number of
classes being held). Geldings can only reach the BIS ring if they have earned the KUMA certification, because geldings can not receive irtoSERT or MVA certifications.

LKV, show class winner
Divided depending on the number of participants in a class. Only horses placed within the LKV positions can receive certifications. The number of places depends on the number of participants:
LKV1 1 – 3 participants
LKV1-2 4 – 5 participants
LKV1-3 6 – 7 participants
LKV1-4 8 – 9 participants
LKV1-5 10-> participants

The Champion Titles

Fn = Finest
Fn/Finest is a prefix added in front of the horse’s official name to indicate that it has reached the champion title almost as high as the Kep Mva Fn level.
The requirement for this title is any of the following combinations:
a) 1 x MVA-sert and 2 x irtoSERT
b) 3 x irtoSERT
c) 2 x MVA-sert and 1 x irtoSERT

Kep Mva Fn
The highest possible title a hobbyhorse can achieve by participating in official showings. After earning the KMF prefix the horse can no longer take part in official showings. The
Kep Mva Fn title can be added in front of a horse’s name after collecting either of these
a) 2 x MVA-sert and 2 x irtoSERT
b) 3 x MVA-sert