Know more about hobbyhorses directly from the enthusiasts

by Finnish Hobbyhorse Artisan
Dreaming of having your own Finnish handmade hobbyhorse? The Finnish Hobbyhorse Association maintains a list of Finnish hobbyhorse makers who fit your criteria!
We want to support hobbyhorse entrepreneurs in Finland by providing them more visibility
A lot of people have turned to The Finnish Hobbyhorse Association to ask where they could find a truly Finnish, handmade hobbyhorse. This is why we want to provide you with a list of all the dedicated, trustworthy makers in Finland who make handmade quality hobbyhorses and/or other hobbyhorse-related equipment. At the same time we want to support all the hobbyhorse entrepreneurs in Finland by providing them more visibility, brand value and legitimacy by recommending them under “by FHHA”, by Finnish Hobbyhorse Artisan.
The list
- Routarouncey
- Keppihevostalli Espoir
- KhtRaRa
- Kht Bandito
- Leed Design
- Showtalli Nuhasukka
- Haamuhobbyhorses
- JHNahkaNurkka
- Calliope kh ja valokuvaus
- Mereten Käsialaa
- Solku Art
- Susa Hobbyhorses
- Kuurakorva
- Kuurakavio
- Onkamoroyalhorses
- Loikka
- Kht Amber
- Dadas
- Kht Vermillon
- Taikahirnu Hobbyhorses Oy
- Nipsushobbyhorses
- Eveliina Hobbyhorses